Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce Secret Recipe

Chick-fil-A's Polynesian Sauce is a popular and flavorful dipping sauce. 

Delicious Homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce Recipe

While the exact recipe is a closely guarded secret, you can make a delicious homemade version that comes pretty close to the original. Here's a homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce recipe:


1/2 cup mayonnaise
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon yellow mustard
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/4 teaspoon smoked paprika
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
2 tablespoons apricot preserves or peach preserves (for sweetness and fruitiness)


  • Combine Ingredients: In a mixing bowl, combine the mayonnaise, Dijon mustard, honey, yellow mustard, apple cider vinegar, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, and ground black pepper.
  • Add Fruit Preserves: Add the apricot or peach preserves to the mixture. These preserves provide the sweet and fruity flavor that's characteristic of Polynesian sauce.
  • Mix Thoroughly: Use a whisk or a spoon to thoroughly mix all the ingredients until well combined. Make sure the preserves are evenly distributed.
  • Taste and Adjust: Taste the sauce and adjust the ingredients to your liking. If you want it sweeter, add more honey or preserves. If you prefer it tangier, add more vinegar.
  • Chill: Cover the bowl with plastic wrap or transfer the sauce to an airtight container. Refrigerate the sauce for at least 30 minutes before serving. This helps the flavors meld together
  • Serve: Once chilled, your homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce is ready to serve. It's perfect as a dipping sauce for chicken nuggets, tenders, or as a flavorful condiment for sandwiches.

Remember that this recipe is a homemade approximation, and while it may not be identical to Chick-fil-A's Polynesian Sauce, it captures the essence of the flavor profile. Adjust the ingredients to suit your taste preferences, and enjoy this sweet and tangy sauce with your favorite dishes.

Here's a rough estimate of the nutritional information for the homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce recipe, based on typical ingredient values. Please note that these values can vary depending on the specific brands and variations of ingredients used:

Nutritional Information for the Entire Recipe:

Calories: Approximately 500-600 calories (mainly from fats and sugars)
Total Fat: Approximately 40-50 grams (mainly from mayonnaise)
Protein: Negligible (minimal protein content)
Carbohydrates: Approximately 70-80 grams (mainly from honey and fruit preserves)
Fiber: Negligible (minimal fiber content)
Please keep in mind that these values are rough estimates and can vary depending on the brands and specific ingredients you use. The sauce is primarily a source of fats and carbohydrates, with minimal protein content. If you need more precise nutritional information, it's best to use specific ingredient labels or a nutrition calculator with the exact brands and quantities you use.

Testimonials About: Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce recipe

"I recently tried making the Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce using the homemade recipe, and I was blown away by how close it tasted to the original! The combination of sweet and tangy flavors is spot on. I've been using it as a dipping sauce for my homemade chicken tenders, and it's become a family favorite. It's so easy to make, and I love that I can enjoy that signature Chick-fil-A taste from the comfort of my own home. This sauce is a game-changer, and I highly recommend it to anyone craving that delicious Chick-fil-A flavor!"
  • Alondra Smith
"As a huge fan of Chick-fil-A, I was skeptical about trying a homemade version of their Polynesian Sauce, but I'm so glad I did! The recipe provided here is incredibly tasty and captures the essence of the original sauce. The balance of sweet and tangy is perfect, and I love how I can customize it to my own taste by adjusting the ingredients. I've used it not only as a dip for chicken but also as a dressing for salads, and it adds a delightful twist to my meals. I've even made extra batches to share with friends, and they're all asking for the recipe. It's a winner in my book!"
  • Jennifer Alvear

Considerations and Health Implications

Possible Concerns or Limitations:
  • Calorie and Sugar Content: The homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce is delicious, but it can be calorie-dense due to its sugar content, primarily from honey and fruit preserves. Overconsumption may be a concern for individuals monitoring their calorie intake or sugar levels.
  • High Fat Content: The sauce contains mayonnaise, which contributes to its fat content. While fats are an essential part of a balanced diet, excessive intake can lead to health issues, particularly if not balanced with other nutrients.
  • Allergens: As mentioned earlier, this recipe may contain common allergens like eggs, tree nuts (depending on the fruit preserves used), soy, and gluten (depending on the foods it's paired with). It's essential to be aware of allergen concerns when preparing or serving the sauce.
  • Serving Size: The recipe makes a certain quantity of sauce, and it's important to control portion sizes. Overconsumption can lead to an excessive intake of calories, sugar, and fats.

Physical Restrictions:

  • Dietary Restrictions: Individuals with dietary restrictions such as those following low-carb, low-sugar, low-fat, or vegan diets may need to modify the recipe to align with their dietary needs.
  • Allergies: People with allergies to specific ingredients in the sauce, such as eggs, honey, soy, tree nuts, or gluten, should exercise caution when consuming this sauce.

Importance of Consulting a Health Professional:

  • Individual Dietary Needs: Consulting a healthcare provider or registered dietitian can help individuals tailor the sauce to their specific dietary requirements. They can provide guidance on ingredient substitutions and portion control to align with nutritional goals.
  • Allergies and Sensitivities: If you have known food allergies or sensitivities, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional before trying any recipe to ensure it's safe for you. They can help you identify potential allergens in the sauce and recommend suitable alternatives.
  • Health Goals: Individuals with specific health goals, such as weight management or blood sugar control, should seek professional advice to incorporate this sauce into their diet in a healthy and balanced way.
  • Monitoring Nutrient Intake: If you have conditions like diabetes, heart disease, or other health concerns that require close monitoring of nutrient intake, a healthcare provider can help you understand how the sauce fits into your overall diet plan.

Ultimately, while the Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce recipe can be a delicious addition to meals, it's important to be mindful of its nutritional content and consider individual dietary needs and health goals. Consulting with a healthcare professional or dietitian can provide personalized guidance for incorporating this sauce into a balanced diet.

Other secret recipes

What is the primary flavor profile of Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce?

Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce is known for its sweet and tangy flavor profile with hints of fruitiness, primarily derived from honey and fruit preserves.

Can I use a different type of fruit preserves in the recipe?

Yes, you can substitute apricot or peach preserves with other fruit preserves like pineapple or mango if you want to experiment with different fruit flavors.

Is there a way to make the sauce lower in sugar?

You can reduce the sugar content by using a sugar-free honey substitute and choosing fruit preserves with no added sugar or opting for a sugar-free version.

How long can I store homemade Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce?

Answer: When stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator, homemade Polynesian Sauce can typically be kept for up to two weeks. Be sure to check for any signs of spoilage before use.

Can I make the sauce spicier?

Yes, if you like a bit of heat, you can add a pinch of cayenne pepper or red pepper flakes to the recipe to give it a mild spicy kick.

Are there any common allergens in the Chick-fil-A Polynesian Sauce recipe?

The primary allergens to be aware of in this recipe are eggs (from mayonnaise), honey, soy (depending on the mayonnaise and other condiments used), tree nuts (if present in the fruit preserves), and gluten (depending on the foods it's paired with). Check ingredient labels and consider dietary restrictions when making or serving this sauce.

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